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Dental Implants vs Crowns — Pros & Cons, Cost, Procedure and Recovery

Key Takeaways:

  • Dental implants and crowns serve different purposes: implants replace the entire tooth structure, while crowns restore a damaged tooth with an intact root.
  • Both dental implants and crowns aim to mimic the appearance of natural teeth.
  • Dental implants don’t require altering the teeth on either side of the gap, while a crown may require grinding down adjacent teeth for fitting.
  • Dental implants are generally more expensive considering it is considered a permanent solution while dental crowns are less intricate and more cost-effective in short term.
  • The recovery period from a dental implant procedure is longer than that from a crown placement,
  • Dental implants and crowns can be used together for dental restoration.


When dealing with missing or decayed teeth, restorative dentistry offers multiple solutions. 

Two of the most popular options are dental implants and crowns. This article will delve into the differences, and discuss the pros and cons, cost, procedures, recovery, and other relevant factors, between dental implants vs dental crowns in Brisbane.

Dental Implants vs Crowns

What Is The Difference Between A Dental Implant And A Crown?

A dental implant and a dental crown should not be compared as alternatives to each other. 

This is because a dental implant is a surgical solution that replaces the entire tooth structure, including the root, making it a suitable option for individuals with missing teeth. In contrast, a dental crown is used to restore a damaged tooth that has an intact root, preserving its functionality and appearance.

Materials Used For Dental Crowns And Implants

Dental implants are typically made from biocompatible metals like titanium. The implant screw serves as the root of the missing tooth. On top of the implant, an abutment is added, which connects the implant to the prosthetic tooth. The replacement tooth or crown can be made from different materials like porcelain (e.g. zirconia), metal, or a combination of both.

How Do Dental Implants And Crowns Affect The Appearance Of Teeth?

The purpose of both dental implants and crowns is to mimic the appearance of natural teeth. A well-fitted implant or crown should be indistinguishable from your natural teeth. Porcelain crowns and tooth-coloured dental implants are often preferred due to their similarity to natural teeth in terms of colour and texture.

How Do Dental Implants And Crowns Affect Surrounding Teeth?

A key advantage of dental implants is that they do not require altering the teeth on either side of the gap, which is beneficial for overall oral health. Conversely, to fit a crown, the dentist may need to grind down adjacent teeth, especially when installing a type of dental bridge that relies on adjacent teeth for support.

What Is The Process Of Getting A Dental Crown Compared To A Dental Implant?

The dental implant procedure is more complex and lengthy than that of getting a dental crown. Implant surgery involves placing a titanium implant into the jawbone, a healing period of a few months for osseointegration (where the jawbone fuses with the implant), and finally, the placement of the crown onto the implant.

Crown placement is less invasive. The dentist will reshape the existing tooth, take an impression, and create a custom crown in a dental lab. Once ready, the permanent crown is cemented onto the prepared tooth. The entire process usually takes two dental visits.

dental implant parts including the dental crown

How Do The Costs Of Dental Implants And Crowns Compare?

The costs of dental implants generally tend to be higher compared to dental crowns. The complexity of the implant procedure, including surgery and multiple stages, along with the materials involved, contributes to the higher pricing. 

On the other hand, dental crowns are typically less intricate and more cost-effective, especially when the tooth’s root is intact and only the visible portion needs restoration.

Cost Comparison (per tooth) Moorooka Dental Care Price
Dental Implants (without crown) Starting from $1,999
Dental Crown (implant crown) Starting from $2,000
Dental Crown (tooth crown) Starting from $1,600 

Does Insurance Coverage Differ For Dental Implants And Crowns?

Insurance coverage for dental implants and dental crowns is often provided by dental insurance plans, with the extent of the coverage largely determined by the major dental annualised limit.

Please note that the extent of insurance coverage can vary depending on individual insurance plans and policies. It is always recommended to review your specific dental insurance policy or consult with your insurance provider for accurate and up-to-date information regarding coverage for dental implants and crowns.

What Is The Difference in Recovery Time Between Dental Implants And Crowns?

Recovery from a dental crown procedure could take a few days to a couple of weeks, mainly to allow the tooth to settle. Conversely, the surgical procedure for dental implants necessitates a more extended recovery period. This is because the implant requires time to integrate with the jawbone, a process that could span from several weeks up to a few months.

How Does The Maintenance Of Dental Implants Compare To Crowns?

Maintaining good oral health is key for both dental implants and crowns. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental visits are crucial. While crowns may need to be replaced after 10–15 years, with proper care, implants can last a lifetime.


Can Dental Implants And Crowns Be Used Together For Dental Restoration?

Yes, dental implants and crowns are often used together. The dental implant serves as the root of the tooth, while the crown replaces the visible part or the top part of the tooth.

How Do I Know If A Dental Implant Or Crown Is Right For Me?

Deciding between dental implants vs crowns depends on the condition of your existing teeth, oral health, budget, and personal preferences. A consultation with an experienced dental professional can help you make the right decision.

Can Dental Implant Crowns And Tooth Crowns Be Removed Once They Are Placed?

Dental Implant Crowns can be easily removed to facilitate repair. Tooth Crowns are cemented onto the tooth and often get damaged during the removal of the crown.

How Do Dental Implant Crowns And Tooth Crowns Feel Compared To Natural Teeth?

Both dental implant crowns and dental crowns are made to feel like your natural teeth. After a period of adjustment, they should feel comfortable and function like natural teeth.

Can I Get A Dental Implant Or Crown If I Have Bone Loss In My Jaw?

Significant bone loss in the jaw can complicate the dental implant procedure, as implants require sufficient bone for placement. However, procedures like bone grafting can potentially enable the placement of implants. Tooth crowns do not depend on bone density and can be placed as long as the tooth root is healthy.

How Can I Prevent Damage To My Dental Implant Crown Or Tooth Crown?

Maintaining good oral hygiene and regular dental visits can help prevent damage. Avoiding hard foods and not using your teeth as tools can also protect your implant crown or tooth crown.

How Often Do Dental Implants, Dental Implant Crowns Or Tooth Crowns Need To Be Replaced?

Both dental implant crowns and tooth crowns typically last 10–15 years, dental implants can last a lifetime with proper care.

Can I Get A Dental Implant Or Crown If I Have Gum Disease?

Untreated gum disease can affect the success of both dental implants and crowns. It is important to treat any existing dental issues before undergoing dental implant surgery or crown placement.


In conclusion, both dental implants and crowns offer effective solutions to replace your missing teeth and restore your natural smile. By understanding the difference between dental implants and crowns, you can make an informed decision about which is the best tooth replacement solution for you. However, we still strongly advise consulting with your dentist or a dental clinic that specialises in dental restorations, like Moorooka Dental Care, to develop a dental plan to restore the best version of your perfect smile.

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